Monthly Archives: August 2013

On So Many Levels :-)

The player level shows your progress and increases  with experience points (XP) that you get in the game. How do you get experience points to level up? By fulfilling quests which are rewarded with XP. By constructing and upgrading buildings. Through battles against Robber Baron Castles. Through honorable battles against players equal to you. What […]

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Public Order

Public order represents the general mood of the population at your castle. Advantages from public order are: Increased production of resources. Increased speed of the recruitment of units and tools. You can improve public order by: The number of decorative items. By upgrading your defenses. You can damage public order by: Adding population in dwellings. […]

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The Cheek!

Well condidering all things my men died bravely and left many of yours runing for the hills…  Pendron will not stir again… but his goast may The cheek! And he even spelled ghost wrong. What’s with the ‘did’ in considering? The modern language… Thankyou for listening.

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An Outpost – I’m asking you!

I’m about to capture a new outpost and would like your feedback. All food outposts around me are in a 6:3 ratio. 32 clicks away from me is a 8:2 food outpost. But there is a very powerful castle next to it. My plan is to take an outpost to grow food and host an […]

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To overlook ‘their’ impertinence?

My castle is yours for the taking, I quit the field, this game bores me… my troops even now are heading in your direction to be slaughtered for their impertinence… it will take about a day for them to walk to you. Above are the two messages I got from Pendragon52 after our chat. Yeah, […]

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Resources are used in particular for constructing and upgrading buildings and tools. The resources are: Wood – Produced by woodcutters. Stone – Produced in stone quarries. Food – Produced in farmhouses. The location of your plants within the castle has no impact on production. You can also exchange and trade resources with other players. You […]

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All Buildings

You can build new buildings in the construction menu. The types of building are: Civilian Buildings (e.g. for increasing population.) Military Building (e.g. for recruiting units.) Fortifications for improving defense. Decorative items for improving order. As soon as you click on a building you can upgrade it, move it anywhere, and even demolish it to […]

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…And Outposts

Outposts are castles on the world map that you can capture and upgrade. Each outpost lets you collect 2 different resources. The construction options for your buildings at outposts are limited when compared to your castle. You can capture out posts from level 13 up once you have built an estate. “At the moment it […]

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The Castle

The castle is the seat of power and can not be captured by other rulers. By upgrading castle towers and walls you can substantially improve your defenses against attacks on your castle. As soon as you have proven your capability and your influence and level increases, you can build more castles as outposts and expand […]

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